Gray background with lettering gemstone cutter and goldsmith market with street theater

Gemstone cutter & goldsmith market with street theater

Every first weekend in August, an outstanding double event attracts visitors from near and far to Idar-Oberstein. The gemstone cutters' and goldsmiths' market is the only one of its kind in Germany. In the historic center of the Oberstein district below the Felsenkirche church, artisans present everything that has made the gemstone and jewelry region of Idar-Oberstein famous.

A street theater festival takes place in the pedestrian zone parallel to the market. Outstanding artists present poetic, comic, acrobatic and bizarre performances and transform the city center into a breathtaking, colorful and imaginative hustle and bustle.

The event will take place this year on August 2 and 3, 2025. Admission is free.

26th Gemstone Cutter & Goldsmith Market

At the foot of the rock church, around 50 exhibitors present the whole variety of gemstone and jewelry processing. They show geodes, minerals and gemstones as well as gold and silver jewelry in a wide variety of precious variations. The stands are set up in the lower pedestrian zone around the market square and the museum square as well as along Hauptstraße. Every quarter of an hour there are changing demonstrations of the various trades, which are announced on the tents in the form of stylized clock faces. There will be grinding, hammering, engraving and sawing and visitors will be able to look over the shoulders of the craftsmen. Being able to experience the creation of a piece of jewelry up close is unique in Germany. This unique market enchants with the variety of treasures, the relaxed atmosphere and the street theater taking place at the same time.

The stands are open on Saturday from 10 am to 7 pm and on Sunday from 11 am to 6 pm.

The photo shows the location plan of the exhibitors in the pedestrian zone.

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21st Street Theater Festival

The street theater transforms the Oberstein pedestrian zone into an exciting world of cabaret. A fine mixture of entertaining, captivating and grandiose artists is presented - sometimes taking your breath away, sometimes moving you to tears or making you hold your stomach with laughter.

The artists and their performances

  • The program on Saturday

    No dates available
  • The program on Sunday

    No dates available


  • Parking facilities

    Parkhaus Stadttheater, Wilhelmstraße 27, 55743 Idar-Oberstein
    Parkhaus Modepark Röther, Auf der Idar, 55743 Idar-Oberstein
    Parkhaus Nahe-Center, Nahestraße 30, 55743 Idar-Oberstein
    Parking lot, Hauptstraße 486, 55743 Idar-Oberstein
    Parking lot, Georg-Maus-Straße 1 (city administration), 55743 Idar-Oberstein
    Parking lot, Auf der Idar 15, 55743 Idar-Oberstein
    Parking lot, Austraße 25, 55743 Idar-Oberstein
    Parking lot, Weinsau 1, 55743 Idar-Oberstein

  • Contact us

    Organizer Gemstone Cutter and Goldsmith Market
    Schmuckkultur Idar-Oberstein e. V.
    Frederik Grüneberg
    Phone 0171/5357456

    Organizer Street Theatre
    Idar-Oberstein City Council
    Cultural Office
    Georg-Maus-Straße 1
    55743 Idar-Oberstein
    Phone 06781/64-4000

    Idar-Oberstein Town Council
    Michael Brill
    Telephone 06781/64-1241

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