The picture shows an aerial view of the Steilbach dam, which secures the water supply.

Water supply

Drinking water supply

The entire drinking water supply for residents in the city area is provided by the Steinbach dam in Katzenloch. After treatment by the water board, the drinking water is piped to the various elevated tanks in the city. From there, the drinking water is transported to the individual households in the town area, mostly by gravity or by pressure boosting systems. Further information on the Steinbach dam can be found here.

The entire supply comprises an approx. 300 kilometer long pipeline network, which is sampled several times a week and requires regular maintenance measures in order to meet the specific quality requirements of the Drinking Water Ordinance.

Water analysis

The results of the weekly analysis are stored in an analytical table. Due to the consistently good quality, the values in the table are only adjusted once or twice a year

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