
for nationals of the other Member States of the European Union (Union citizens) for the election to the European Parliament in the Federal Republic of Germany on June 9, 2024

On June 9, 2024, the election of Members of the European Parliament from the Federal Republic of Germany will take place. You can actively participate in this election if, on election day

  1. have the nationality of one of the other Member States of the European Union,
  2. have reached the age of 16,
  3. have lived or otherwise habitually resided in the Federal Republic of Germany or in the other Member States of the European Union for at least three months (a consecutive stay in the aforementioned areas is counted towards the three-month period),
  4. are not excluded from the right to vote in the European Parliament either in the Federal Republic of Germany or in the Member State of the European Union of which you are a national,
  5. are entered in a voters' register in the Federal Republic of Germany. First-time registration is only possible upon application. The application must be made on a form; it should be sent soon after this announcement.

An application that is received by the competent municipal authority after May 19, 2024 (21st day before the election) can no longer be granted (Section 17a (2) of the European Electoral Regulations).

If you have already been entered in a voters' register of the Federal Republic of Germany on the basis of your application in the election on June 13, 1999 or a later election to the European Parliament, you do not need to apply again. The entry is then made ex officio, provided that the other requirements under electoral law are met. This does not apply if you apply to the competent municipal authority on a form by the 21st day before the election stated above to not be included in the voters' register. This application is valid for all future elections to the European Parliament until you submit another application for entry in the electoral roll.

Have you been entered on a voters' register in previous elections (1979 to 1994) in the

Federal Republic of Germany, you must submit a new application for entry in the electoral roll to participate in the European elections in Germany.

After moving abroad and moving back to the Federal Republic of Germany, a new application for entry in the electoral roll is required.

Application forms (forms) and information leaflets can be requested from the municipal authorities in the Federal Republic of Germany.

One of the requirements for your participation as an election candidate is that on election day you must

  1. have reached the age of 18,
  2. have the nationality of a member state of the European Union,
  3. are not excluded from eligibility in the Federal Republic of Germany or in the Member State of the European Union to which you belong.

Together with the application for entry in the electoral roll or with the nominations, a declaration must be made in lieu of an oath that the above-mentioned requirements for active or passive participation in the election have been met.

55765 Birkenfeld, 09.01.2024

Bruno Zimmer

1st District Councillor and District Chief Electoral Officer European elections

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