Exciting activities during the Easter vacations

It all starts the weekend before the vacations with the season opening of the city park in the Nahetal business park in the Nahbollenbach district. On Friday, April 11, 2025, the Clean-Up Day will start, a major clean-up campaign in which the park will be spruced up together and prepared for spring. On Saturday, 12 April 2025, the official season opening of the city park is on the agenda. From 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., there will be a cozy celebration where music, snacks and a good atmosphere are guaranteed. No registration is required for either day.

During the Easter vacations themselves, children and young people aged between 8 and 19 can look forward to exciting and varied activities at the youth center on the market square and in the city park. From exercise-rich activities to creative workshops and joint outdoor activities - there is something for everyone.

  • The complete vacation program as well as all important information on registration and participation can be found on Instagram @jugend_io, at jump-io.de or directly at www.idar-oberstein.ferienprogramm-online.de. Registration is required for the vacation activities, as places are limited.

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