Head of the citizens' office retires

On August 1, 1981, Ilka Endres began her training as an administrative assistant at the municipal administration. After successfully passing her exams, she embarked on a career as a civil servant and completed the courses for the intermediate civil service at the University of Public Administration in Mayen. After working briefly at the Social Welfare Office, Endres was transferred to the Public Order Office in March 1987 in the vehicle registration department and worked there until her retirement. In February 1998, she took over the provisional management of the registration and driving license office, and in December 2004 she was appointed team leader of the then newly established citizens' office. This office, located in the foyer of the town hall, combines the particularly public-intensive areas of vehicle registration and residents' registration as well as driving licenses, so that citizens can complete their registration and licensing procedures there from a single source.

Mayor Frank Frühauf paid tribute to Ilka Endres' outstanding achievements during her long period of service and thanked her for her work. Together with Mayor Friedrich Marx, he emphasized the importance of the position as team leader of the citizens' office. "She has mastered this difficult task, which also involves enormous potential for conflict, brilliantly," emphasized Mayor Marx, the head of the public order department. She was always 100 percent reliable, had great expertise and knew how to keep the Citizens' Office team together. Thomas Müller, the relatively new head of the public order office, has also already been able to see the skills of the future retiree for himself. "She has a wealth of experience, enormous specialist knowledge and a good knack for people." As a result, she is held in high regard by her colleagues. Müller is particularly pleased that Endres will pass on this experience to her successor and train them.

Ilka Endres looks back with satisfaction on her career at the city administration, where she has been involved in many developments, most recently the digitalization of the registration system. "I always enjoyed working at the licensing department". She particularly enjoyed her time in the open-plan office, despite the associated stress.

Those present thanked the outgoing team leader for her work with a certificate and gifts and bid her a well-deserved retirement.

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