Michael Schneider and Lothar Haag have retired

Michael Schneider was hired as a pipe network engineer on November 1, 1992, and almost ten years later, on March 1, 2002, Lothar Haag was hired as a plant mechanic for supply technology at the municipal utilities. Since then, both have worked together with their colleagues to ensure the functionality of the drinking water network in the municipal utility's supply area. "We used to do a lot of the work by hand, but later we got better equipped with machines and devices," they explained and are glad that they were spared any serious accidents during their years of work.

"Michael Schneider and Lothar Haag have done a lot for Stadtwerke during their many years of service," said Mayor Marx, praising the commitment of the two future retirees. "A generational change is currently taking place at the municipal utilities, and a lot of experience is being lost in the process." The employees responsible for the pipe network are out and about in all weathers to keep the systems operational, repair leaks and thus ensure the water supply for the citizens, emphasized the head of the municipal utilities. According to Marx, this work is not without danger, which is why he is pleased that Michael Schneider and Lothar Haag can retire in good health. He thanked them for their many years of service with certificates and gifts and wished them both all the best for the new phase of their lives. Colleagues and staff representatives were happy to join in the thanks and good wishes.

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