Joint New Year's reception at the Idar-Oberstein exhibition center

This year, Lord Mayor Frank Frühauf gave the ceremonial address. Among other things, he addressed the challenges facing local authorities, "especially in these turbulent times, whether in the country or worldwide." The financial leeway in the municipalities - including the city of Idar-Oberstein - is tighter than ever. Nevertheless, the city council and administration would continue to work on a sustainable consolidation of the budget without losing sight of the important investments in the city's future. "Especially in these turbulent times - characterized by economic challenges, energy crises, rising prices and geopolitical uncertainties - it is important to remember what unites us and what we can achieve together." Among other things, a functioning economy plays an important role in this. After all, a thriving domestic economy shapes society in many ways, as it creates the fundamental conditions for prosperity, social peace and cultural development. "That is why I will continue to work to strengthen the framework conditions for our economy this year. Together with you, I would like to ensure that our region remains an attractive location."

The photo shows the four musicians. They are sitting on stage with their instruments and playing.
The saxophone ensemble of the Army Music Corps entertained the guests with extraordinary sounds.

The mayor also sees voluntary work as particularly important for the common good locally. In these times, it is of outstanding importance, especially in a world that is increasingly characterized by uncertainties, crises and tensions. "It is far more than just volunteering - it is an expression of solidarity, community spirit and humanity." In doing so, everyone can make a small contribution to ensuring that the social climate is once again more secure and safe. "We need more 'we', more 'we' in Germany, more 'we' in the region. The future is what we make of it together," said the Lord Mayor, calling on those present to seize the opportunities that the new year holds.

The photo shows the aforementioned people standing next to each other in front of the stage.
Corporal Luisa Appelfelder and Lance Corporal Jan Borisov were awarded the Bundeswehr Medal of Honor.

In the honors section of the event, Colonel Olaf Tuneke, Head of the Artillery School and General of the Artillery Troops, recognized the loyal performance of duty and above-average achievements of two soldiers with a special award: Private Luisa Appelfelder and Lance Corporal Jan Borisov were awarded the Bundeswehr Medal of Honor. "Both are active in the 'Supply' area and are representative of all those who keep the wheels turning at the artillery school." Mayor Frühauf also presented the band SpeedBottles with the City of Idar-Oberstein's award for art and culture for the year 2024 (see separate press release). After the official part, the organizers invited the guests to the foyer of the trade fair for a drink with snacks and good conversation.

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