ITV triathletes train in the indoor pool

In this way, Stadtwerke would like to support the successful training work of the athletes who delivered outstanding performances in 2024 and thus represented their club and the city of Idar-Oberstein far beyond the city limits and even overseas.

"Unfortunately, it is currently not possible to use the swimming pool in the Rilchenberg barracks. We would therefore like to thank the city of Idar-Oberstein for giving us another opportunity to train in the indoor pool," emphasizes Carla Leyser, head of the ITV swimming department. After last year's successes in various Ironman competitions, a qualification for the Women's World Championships and other competitions, participation in the Dock to Dock swim in London and the Ironman in Frankfurt have already been confirmed for this year. "There will certainly be more to come, as the dates for most of the competitions are not set until the end of March," says Leyser.

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