Budget 2025 has been adopted

The following figures are rounded. With income of 90.1 million euros and expenses of 103.1 million euros, the 2025 income budget closes with a negative result of 13 million euros. Together with the negative financial result of 1.22 million euros, this results in an annual deficit of around 14.22 million euros.

The financial budget shows a deficit of 17.3 million euros in the balance of ordinary incoming and outgoing payments. In addition, there is a deficit of 9.4 million euros in cash inflows and outflows from investment activities, resulting in a total shortfall in financial resources of 26.7 million euros. The deficit from investment activities also represents the need for investment loans. Taking into account the scheduled repayment of 591,163 euros, this results in an expected new debt in the investment area of 8.8 million euros. For the first time since 2021, there is also a need for liquidity loans again, amounting to 17.9 million euros.

The main investments in 2025 will be for renovation measures in schools, daycare centers and sports halls as well as the new Regulshausen daycare center, in the area of roads, bridges and rock protection, for the purchase of hardware and software as well as a swap-body vehicle for the fire department, plus the investment cost subsidy for the renovation of the youth hostel.

In his budget speech, Lord Mayor Frank Frühauf explained that drawing up the 2025 budget had been an enormous challenge for everyone involved in a difficult economic period. Continued high expenditure, particularly in the social sector, for mandatory tasks and the continued high energy and construction costs would place an enormous burden on the budget. On the other hand, the revenue side was not developing in the same way. "The financial situation of our city therefore remains very challenging." He also pointed out that the first draft of the budget even closed with a deficit of 25 million euros after the departments had submitted their appropriations. This was initially reduced to 18.5 million euros through many rounds of talks, updated tax estimates, improvements in the municipal financial equalization system and other changes. Following the establishment of a budget consolidation working group, the amount was then reduced again to the current sum of 14.22 million euros. "This means that, in the opinion of the administration and the working group, the funds now announced are necessary in order to make the absolutely essential expenditures in the coming year."

The inadequate financial resources of the municipalities are increasingly becoming a major problem for municipal budgets. "The funds that the state makes available to the municipalities for the fulfillment of their tasks must be determined according to their needs, which has not been done sufficiently in the view of the municipalities. The state and federal government must not only improve the financial resources available to local authorities, but also ensure that funding programs are targeted, simple and sustainable."

Despite these frustrating figures, it is also important to see the positive things and what has been achieved so far, emphasized Mayor Frühauf, and listed a series of measures that underline the city of Idar-Oberstein's commitment to climate protection, healthcare, urban development and tourism promotion. "We want to continuously develop and modernize."

After the budget speeches by the individual parliamentary groups, the City Council then adopted the budget bylaws and the 2025 budget with nine votes against and one abstention. It also adopted the calculation for the water supply and wastewater disposal sectors on which the calculation of fees is based, as well as the business plans for the municipal utilities and the building depot.

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