In search of the power of the elements

In the main competition, both the gemstone design and the design of a piece of jewelry made of precious metal and gemstones are permitted. This means that unmounted gemstones, the gemstone in the piece of jewelry (only precious metals may be used here), the gemstone object and the gemstone sculpture are permitted. The use of synthetics is not permitted; pearls may only be used in combination with gemstones. The same applies, with a few restrictions, to the young talent competition. For the main competition, prizes with a total value of 8,000 euros are offered, the 1st prize is endowed with 4,000 euros, for the young talent competition there is a total of 3,000 euros with a 1st prize of 1,500 euros.

The entries must be received by the Bundesverband der Edelstein- und Diamantindustrie e. V., Hauptstraße 161 in Idar-Oberstein, by Monday, September 15, 2025 at the latest. The jury meeting is expected to take place on September 25, with the awards ceremony at the Idar-Oberstein Municipal Theatre on Friday, November 28, 2025. For the first time, this will be in the hands of the sponsoring association and will be strongly supported by the German Gemstone and Diamond Industry Association as the "father" of the competitions.

  • The complete invitation to tender, a form for participation and all further information on the competitions can be found on the website

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