Susanne Hagner is retired

In a small ceremony, Mayor Friedrich Marx, colleagues and staff representatives bid farewell to the economic powerhouse of Oberstein Primary School.

At the beginning of August 2008, Susanne Hagner was initially hired as a business administrator for the Flurschule. In 2010, she moved to the Struthschule, now the Oberstein elementary school. The housekeepers are responsible for receiving and checking the food delivered by a caterer, serving it and then washing the dishes and cleaning the canteen, the common room and the associated toilets.

Mayor Friedrich Marx emphasized that working as an economist is a strenuous and physically demanding job. He thanked the soon-to-be retiree for her many years of commitment, presented her with a certificate and some gifts and wished her all the best for the new phase of her life. "You have always been the calming influence at GS Oberstein," explained Markus Schapperth, head of the municipal building management department, "which is very important in such an institution."

Susanne Hagner particularly enjoyed the contact with the pupils. "I get on well with children and am happy when I meet some in the city and they come to me." She is also proud of the fact that she has trained a number of young colleagues during her time in the service and introduced them to the work of an economist.

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