Fourth Citymood network meeting invites you to exchange ideas

The network meetings provide an opportunity to discuss topics relevant to the city center, make contacts and find out about the project in general. In the past, the network meetings have always been well attended and some ideas have already been implemented.

In addition to the latest information on center management, there will be a keynote speech by the chairman of the KLAR e.V. advertising association in Kirn, details of upcoming events and an outlook on the projects for the coming year. There will not only be a report on the Advent glow, which will take place on Schleiferplatz from December 12 to 14, 2024, but also on the plans for the after-work events in 2025. As part of the funding program "Zukunftsfähige

The city's economic development department still has funding available until the end of next year to support campaigns to revitalize city centres. In addition, Lara Paulus, the successor to Samira Faust, née Brächer, will introduce herself as the new City Manager on this evening.

  • For better planning, the participants would be pleased if you could register by e-mail at

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