On the first day of the house and street collections, Colonel Olaf Tuneke and Lord Mayor Frank Frühauf set a good example and collected donations in the Oberstein district. The donations help to support the important work of the Volksbund. On behalf of the German government, it is dedicated to recording, preserving and caring for the graves of the war dead abroad. The Volksbund supports relatives in matters of war graves care, advises public and private bodies, supports international cooperation in the field of war graves care and promotes encounters between young people at the resting places of the dead.
Today, the Volksbund looks after 832 war cemeteries in 46 countries with around 2.8 million war dead. Through its work, it preserves the memory of the victims of war and tyranny. Under the motto "Together for Peace", the Volksbund also organizes international youth encounters and work camps throughout Europe. These serve to promote international understanding and reconciliation.