Idar has a public toilet again

In the past, there were public toilets in the basement of the former market school. After the sale and renovation of the building, there were no longer any public toilets available in the Idar district. To remedy this deficit, the integrated urban development concept (ISEK) for the redevelopment area "Kernbereich Idar" therefore provided for the construction of a new public toilet facility.

The measure has been implemented in recent months at the north-western corner of the market square, where a kiosk was previously vacant. The kiosk was dismantled, the area redesigned and equipped with benches and a toilet module.

Use of the toilet costs 50 cents, which can be paid with coins or cashless. The usage interval is limited to fifteen minutes. After twelve minutes, a signal sounds and the user is asked to leave the toilet. After 15 minutes, the door is automatically unlocked and opens. A continuous signal sounds until the user has left the toilet. There is a cleaning interval after each use.

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