Since the beginning of 2001, Stadtmarketing Idar-Oberstein e.V. has been offering an Idar-Oberstein gift voucher, which has developed into a real success story right from the start. The current generation of gift vouchers, which consist of any number of vouchers of 10 euros each, have been issued since 2005 and are still being redeemed in full by retailers. Such a long redemption period is more than unusual, which is why Stadtmarketing Idar-Oberstein e.V. is adapting this period to the statutory limitation period of 3 years. From January 1, 2025, vouchers issued before January 1, 2022 will no longer be redeemed.
The gift voucher has enjoyed great popularity for years as an instrument for retaining regional purchasing power and is an ideal way for participating companies to attract new customers and retain them in the long term. In addition, the gift voucher also offers companies an interesting opportunity to provide their employees with a tax-free benefit in kind.
The voucher can be redeemed at around 90 points of acceptance in a wide range of sectors, making it the ideal gift idea for anyone who wants to give a personalized gift and at the same time support Idar-Oberstein's retail, catering and service businesses.