Advisory board is the voice of people with disabilities

Lord Mayor Frank Frühauf welcomed those present and emphasized that this election event sends an important signal: "The advisory board is an essential part of our joint work for an inclusive society. Its work offers the opportunity to break down barriers - both physical and social." The advisory board is a platform that stands for equal opportunities, respect and participation. Its members represent the interests and needs of people with disabilities and ensure that their voices carry weight in decision-making processes.

Christian Wahl, Head of Organization, Statistics and Elections, then explained the procedure for the upcoming election. All residents who are disabled within the meaning of the Severely Disabled Persons Act were eligible to vote. They could also be elected as advisory board members at the same time. Markus Petry, the city administration's representative for the severely disabled, acted as chairman of the meeting. His survey of the eligible voters revealed that 21 of them were candidates for the advisory board. The great interest of those present in becoming involved in the committee and standing up for the interests of people with disabilities became clear.

Once the ballot papers had been drawn up, the actual voting took place. Those entitled to vote were able to cast up to thirteen votes for the candidates. The election committee then established that all ballot papers cast were valid and determined the result of the vote. As there was a tie for three positions, the final order had to be decided by drawing lots. The following were elected to the Advisory Board: Stefanie Jung, Monika Bachura, Horst Müller, Arno Günther, Miriam Alfs, Armin Schramm, Cosma Will, Michael Haug, Sarina Porger, Christiane Reimann, Christian Schuhen, Claudia Fuchs and Tobias Hollstein. The following are available as successors: David Schönfeld, Christina Flick, Lothar Aulenbacher, Stephan Schimpke, Simon Höckelsberger, Wolfgang Zwillinger, Christopher Pick and Mike Leon Weise. The constituent meeting is scheduled for Monday, December 16, 2024. Among other things, the Chair of the Advisory Board will be elected at this meeting.

Mayor Frühauf was full of praise for the event. "The organizing team from the main office had prepared everything well, there were even sign language interpreters available for the deaf. The participants were committed, disciplined and obviously felt valued. There was a pleasant, relaxed atmosphere." The mayor would also like to see this at other meetings.

Text in plain language

The advisory board for people with disabilities was elected at the Idar-Oberstein trade fair.

Mayor Frank Frühauf welcomed those present and said that the advisory board is very important.

It helps to ensure that people with disabilities are treated equally and respected.

The advisory board ensures that the interests and wishes of people with disabilities are heard.

51 people with disabilities were there and were allowed to vote.

21 of them wanted to join the advisory board.

A total of thirteen advisory board members were elected: Stefanie Jung, Monika Bachura, Horst Müller, Arno Günther, Miriam Alfs, Armin Schramm, Cosma Will, Michael Haug, Sarina Porger, Christiane Reimann, Christian Schuhen, Claudia Fuchs and Tobias Hollstein.

The new Advisory Board will meet for the first time on December 16, 2024.

The chairperson is then also elected.

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