Rock stabilization work Mainzer Straße

During the current rock stabilization work on Mainzer Straße between the junction of Pappelstraße and Hoher Steg, the speed limit must be reduced to 20 km/h for safety reasons. As the workers also have to intervene in the traffic at times, a construction site traffic light will be set up.

Over the past few days, it has become apparent that many road users are ignoring the speed reduction to 30 km/h that is already in place. As the width of the carriageway is now only 3 meters due to the work, people sometimes swerve onto the sidewalk. This all leads to hazards for workers and pedestrians. It should also be noted that the speed limit of 30 km/h still applies in the first section of the rock stabilization work between the junctions of Prof.-Schlossmacher-Straße and Pappelstraße, even though both lanes have now been reopened. Speed checks will be carried out in both sections over the next few days to monitor compliance with the existing restrictions.

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