The new Barbararing daycare center is up and running

Here, they and their parents were welcomed by the team of nursery teachers led by Ella Dibooglu and Katrin Schwarz, Deputy Head of the City Youth Welfare Office. The Barbararing daycare center has a total of 40 places for children aged 2 to 6.

Construction of the Barbararing daycare center began at the end of January 2024 with the construction of the base plate. The building itself was constructed from 20 containers and has an area of around 370 square meters. The outdoor area of the approximately 1,300 square meter site has not yet been completed; the corresponding planning is still underway. The daycare center is currently using the nearby public playground. The cost planning for the new daycare center amounts to around 920,000 euros, but the final invoice is still pending.

There are currently four nursery nurses looking after the children, and the number of positions will be adjusted as the number of children increases. The 40 places are expected to be filled by the fall, although not all of them have yet been allocated. The new daycare center in the Regulshausen district is also due to open in the autumn and will have 50 places. Together with the Waldkita, which started in February with 18 places, the city will have created 118 new daycare places this year.

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