CITY CYCLING starts on Monday

Last year, a total of 187 active cyclists in 19 teams took part in CITY CYCLING in Idar-Oberstein. They collected 54,038 kilometers. So far, 88 cyclists in fourteen teams have registered for the current campaign (as of 18.06.2024). Anyone who lives, works, belongs to a club or attends a (high) school in the city of Idar-Oberstein can take part. You can also register and cycle during the campaign period. Participants are not only doing something for the environment, but can also win something. The Idar-Oberstein town council is offering tickets for sights and cultural events as well as gift vouchers from the town marketing association to the most hard-working teams and cyclists.

With its international CITY CYCLING competition, Climate Alliance invites all citizens and members of local parliaments to pedal and set an example for increased cycling promotion. The campaign aims to sensitize citizens to cycling in everyday life and to bring the topics of bicycle use and bicycle traffic planning more strongly into local parliaments. Another joint cycle tour is also planned for Friday, July 5, 2024. Destination and route to be announced.

With the free CITY CYCLING app, participants can conveniently track the routes they have cycled via GPS and credit them directly to their team and their municipality. The completely anonymized cycling data collected in this way is scientifically evaluated by Climate Alliance and provides municipalities with information on important transport planning issues. This makes it possible to expand the cycling infrastructure in line with demand.

  • Information on CITY CYCLING is available on the website or from the city's climate protection manager Julia Besand on 06781/64-6906, e-mail You can register at

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