Palliative care - living until the end

These days, two representatives of the Specialized Outpatient Palliative Care (SAPV) Saarschleife visited Lord Mayor Frank Frühauf. The managing director, Dr. h.c. Armin Streit, and the Medical Director, Dr. med. Arnd Schifferdecker MHBA, of Streit medical KG, which runs SAPV, presented the range of services offered by the company, which is based at the SHG Klinik Baumholder site.

Spending the last days of your life at home: This is usually everyone's greatest wish. The Saarschleife SAPV team can help with this. The company has been providing specialized outpatient palliative care at several locations in southwest Germany for over fifteen years. "SAPV aims to maintain, promote and improve the quality of life and self-determination of seriously ill people," explained Managing Director Dr. h. c. Streit. The aim is to enable a dignified life until death in familiar surroundings at home.

The team at the Baumholder branch, with its permanently employed palliative physicians and palliative care specialists, cares for seriously ill people at home in the Birkenfeld district and in the town of Idar-Oberstein as well as in the municipalities of Kusel, Altenglan, Oberes Glantal and Kirner Land. SAPV Saarschleife has now become an integral part of outpatient care. "The cooperation with the GPs in private practice, the nursing services, the outpatient hospice services and the surrounding clinics has developed very positively," reported Dr. Schifferdecker.

Mayor Frühauf emphasized that palliative care is an important component of the range of medical services in the region. "Because our citizens should benefit from the best possible care in all situations in life." It would therefore be desirable if palliative care could be further expanded.

Further information on SAPV Saarschleife can be found at

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