In addition to great conversations, Sabrina Vogt and Monika Bachura, employees of the Nahe-Hunsrück workshops, also presented him with two of the new "dignity plaques" for human dignity and democracy. These were made as part of the "Dignity untouchable" campaign by the vocational training department of the Nahe-Hunsrück workshops and are being diligently distributed.
To mark the 75th anniversary of the Basic Law, Lebenshilfe Obere Nahe is focusing on Article 1 of the Basic Law, "Human dignity is inviolable." at the center of the campaign. Numerous people are asked what democracy and human dignity mean to them. Mayor Frühauf welcomes the campaign and has written and officially presented the visitors to Lebenshilft with his statement on this topic in the form of a certificate. He describes his meaning of human dignity as "that every person is valuable and we are all equal. Everyone must be respected and honored and have their basic rights and freedoms without prejudice. There must never be any discrimination, regardless of personal circumstances. Human dignity must be inviolable."
Martina Becker, Managing Director of Lebenshilfe Obere Nahe, and the employees of the workshops were delighted to talk to Frühauf and thanked him for his appreciative statement.
In addition, another matter close to the heart of the Lebenshilfe delegation was addressed, namely the establishment of an advisory board for the disabled. The administration has promised to create the conditions for the election of such an advisory board this year.