Funding guideline for balcony power plants signed

Now that the city of Idar-Oberstein has received the state's decision on the KIPKI funding, Mayor Frank Frühauf has signed the guidelines for the city's "Plug-in balcony PV systems" funding program. This means that private households can now submit applications for funding for the purchase of such balcony power plants. The city of Idar-Oberstein will receive total KIPKI funds of around 830,600 euros, of which 60,500 euros are earmarked for the funding program.

On Tuesday, July 16, 2024, at 6.30 p.m., an information event on the topic of "Solar offensive - saving coal with sunshine" will take place in the meeting room of the Idar-Oberstein city administration. Attendees will not only receive general information on the technical and legal basics of generating electricity with photovoltaic systems (PV systems), but will also be introduced to the new municipal funding program "Plug-in balcony PV systems". The event is being organized by the city of Idar-Oberstein and the Hunsrück-Hochwald National Park as part of the ZENAPA (Zero Emission Nature Protection Areas) project. Please register in advance to prepare for the event. Registration for the event is possible online at or by e-mail to

Having your own photovoltaic system is not only a small contribution to climate protection, it can also offer financial benefits. This is why sales of plug-in balcony PV systems, also known as balcony power plants, are booming. According to the Federal Network Agency, the number of balcony power plants exceeded half a million at the beginning of June 2024. The purchase of such a system is particularly worthwhile if a subsidy is available. It is therefore fitting that the Idar-Oberstein city council recently approved a subsidy program for the purchase of plug-in balcony PV systems in private households. The aim is to further expand the use of renewable energies in the city, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to climate protection. The funding comes from the "Climate Protection and Innovation (KIPKI)" municipal investment program of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate.

After a welcome address by Mayor Friedrich Marx, the program for the information event includes a presentation by Christoph Dohm from the Institute for Applied Material Flow Management (IfaS) on generating electricity on your own roof. This will cover the technical and legal basis for PV systems, the current status of PV expansion in Germany, Rhineland-Palatinate and Idar-Oberstein as well as the opportunities and benefits for private households. Florian Schmidt, Westnetz and OIE, will then explain how the grids can cope with decentralized electricity feed-in and how the feed-in tariff works. Finally, Christoph Benkendorff, Verbraucherzentale Rheinland-Pfalz, will provide information on the municipal subsidy program "Plug-in balcony PV systems" as well as what needs to be considered technically and legally when operating balcony power plants and the quality and cost-effectiveness of the systems.

  • All information on the funding program can be found on the city's website at

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