"A sign of successful integration"

On the morning of July 5, family members and teachers gathered in the festively decorated Göttenbach auditorium to bid farewell to the 2024 graduating class of Realschule plus Idar-Oberstein. In his welcoming address, Headmaster Christian Back told the graduates "that this day of graduation is not the end, but the beginning of something new" and emphasized "that a decisive aspect of the graduates' new path in life is their role as responsible citizens in our democratic society."

The final speech by the class leaders, given by Nina Bank (Class 9B1) on behalf of all the colleagues involved, was framed by a picture show and a quiz with the teachers about the past school year. In the latter, Carsten Becker (Class 10a) in particular shone with his insider knowledge of his departing students. The graduation speech by Lenia-Kim Daniels and Lena Klein was followed by the central point of the program, the presentation of certificates. 34 students achieved the Qualified Secondary School Certificate I and 21 students were awarded the certificate of vocational maturity. After the certificates were awarded, the graduates with the best results in each of the four graduating classes were honored (Niklas Welker 9B1, Shayan Younas 9B2, Daniel Gelich 10a and Sawda Eidid 10b). In addition, Lenia-Kim Daniels and Lena Klein received the prize from the Minister of Education for their special commitment to the school community.

Following the official part of the ceremony, a champagne reception was held in the anteroom of the assembly hall. This allowed students, parents and teachers to say goodbye to each other in a relaxed atmosphere at the end of the school year. (Text Realschule Plus / Carsten Winkler)

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