Shaping the transition from daycare to school

Over the past few months, the children from Algenrodt elementary school, the Algenrodt Protestant daycare center and the Enzweiler municipal daycare center have had many adventures together. Cooperation between the institutions has laid a crucial foundation for a good start to elementary school for the daycare children.

Daycare children look forward to school, they are curious and motivated to learn new things. To ensure that the transition from daycare to elementary school is safe and that the children can get to know each other in advance, the three institutions embarked on this journey together under the motto "My home". Each institution planned an activity or excursion for the project.

The first stop was a tour of Algenrodt elementary school. In keeping with the theme, there were various stations that the nursery children went through with the current first graders. Afterwards, the nursery children had the opportunity to get to know the school better during a short tour and the big break in the school playground was also a highlight for everyone.

The second activity was an excursion on foot from Algenrodt elementary school to the mining field on the Steinkaulenberg. Here, the children once again had the opportunity to get to know each other better and learn about various gemstones in the region.

The final excursion was a hike from Algenrodt to Tiefenstein to the historic Weiherschleife. There, the children visited the grinding mill and the exhibition with the multimedia show and the gemstone feeling room in groups. However, the best experience for the children was the time they spent together on the playground and the ice cream donated by Thomas Kreis from the "Offene Flamme" restaurant.

The participating institutions can look back on a valuable cooperation and are looking forward to a further time together. The project was funded by the Rhineland-Palatinate Ministry of Education.

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