Mayor Marx visits the vacation camp

Mayor Friedrich Marx, Sebastian Herzig, Melissa Becker and Julia Dreher from the Youth Welfare Office paid a traditional visit to the vacation event and symbolically presented a fruit basket to director Mike Stauder. This represents a week's supply of fruit that the Youth Welfare Office donates to the town's recreation program every year. Mayor Marx thanked Mike Stauder for the commitment of the AWO and the numerous helpers. "The city recreation program has been around for more than 50 years and is extremely important, especially for working parents," said Mayor Marx, thanking Mike Stauder and his team for giving so many children a wonderful vacation.

In addition to the many possibilities that the extensive area in Hammerstein's marina already offers, the daily highlight is the water slide and various daily activities such as the duck rodeo, bullriding, the inflatable climbing mountain, Silas the horse to ride and much more.

In the second week of the vacation, Mike Stauder and his supervisors look after 175 children, which is due to the high demand for childcare options. For some years now, children as young as 5 have been able to take part in the vacation camp.

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