Anke Otto went into retirement

After attending the technical college for social education in Bad Kreuznach and gaining state recognition as an educator, Anke Otto initially worked as an educator for the Protestant church and the municipality of Herrstein for almost two decades. In September 1995, she moved to the city administration of Idar-Oberstein, where she worked as an educator at the Weierbach daycare center until her retirement and also took over the permanent position of daycare center manager for several years.

During the ceremony, Anke Otto looked back on her long career. In the course of her work, she has gotten to know many facilities and experienced numerous changes in the education system. "There were very different pedagogical concepts, a considerable extension of opening hours, the introduction of U3 care and afternoon care and much more." She has always enjoyed her work and has also enjoyed working for the city of Idar-Oberstein. "After all, it was 'my' kindergarten after all this time."

Lord Mayor Frank Frühauf thanked the childcare worker most sincerely for her work. He regretted that a wealth of experience would be lost with Anke Otto's retirement, but naturally wished her all the best for the new phase of her life. Colleagues and staff representatives were happy to join in the thanks and good wishes. Head of the Youth Welfare Office Michael Schweizer in particular paid tribute to Anke Otto's commitment. "We have cooperated closely and constructively in many areas over the past few years." He has found the childcare worker to be down-to-earth and reliable. "She was always there and a rock in the surf," Schweizer summarized.

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