Justice is a myth

Police lieutenant Schmied is found shot dead in his car. The investigation is taken over by detective inspector Bärlach, who is suffering from a severe stomach disorder and is assisted by young policeman Tschanz at his own request. This sets up the test arrangement and the crime story takes its course - in short sequences, seemingly bizarre tableaux and haunting images.

A prime suspect is quickly found, a certain Gastmann. Gastmann is no stranger to Bärlach. The two have had a bet going for 40 years. At the time, Gastmann claimed that a crime could be carried out so perfectly that it could never be solved or punished. As proof, he pushed a merchant into the water who was in such financial difficulties that his death was ruled a suicide in court. In the years that followed, Gastmann committed numerous other crimes that Bärlach was never actually able to prove.

But now Bärlach finally gets the chance to bring Gastmann down - for a crime he didn't even commit. With the help of the ambitious Tschanz and without any sensitivity towards the murdered man's girlfriend, Bärlach goes to any lengths to do so. Evil is not defeated, but beaten with its own weapons.

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