The SBO was awarded the Culture Prize

The prizewinner is the Obere Nahe Symphonic Wind Orchestra, which coincidentally also provided the musical accompaniment for the New Year's reception this year. "So I don't have to ask the musicians and their conductor Jochen Lorenz to come on stage, because they are already up here," said Lord Mayor Frank Frühauf at the beginning of his laudatory speech.

The Idar-Oberstein City Prize for Art and Culture is awarded to artists and people who are committed to culture. It is awarded to associations, individuals or institutions that promote culture or cultural institutions and enrich society with art and culture in its various forms.

"Culture is indispensable for every community; it enriches social life in many different ways," emphasized Lord Mayor Frühauf. This also and especially applies to Idar-Oberstein, as the gemstone city does not have to hide from larger cities with its extensive event program. In addition to the city with its cultural program and commercial providers, this is primarily created by the numerous cultural associations.

The photo shows the entire orchestra standing on stage with the conductor. The Lord Mayor stands at the lectern and applauds the prizewinners.
The symphonic wind orchestra framed the New Year's reception

"One of these associations is the Symphonic Wind Orchestra Obere Nahe." The orchestra was founded in 1990 and brings together musicians from the region, but also from further afield. With a demanding and varied repertoire and a variety of sounds at the highest level, the SBO has made a name for itself far beyond the city limits," said Mayor Frühauf. "You, dear guests, were able to see this for yourselves during the course of the event."

The application for the cultural award to the SBO stated, among other things: The Symphonic Wind Orchestra Obere Nahe with its conductor Jochen Lorenz has been impressing for years with high-quality musical contributions in a wide variety of formats. Particularly noteworthy here are the annual New Year's concerts modeled on the Vienna Symphony Orchestra. In its work, the SBO achieves the difficult triad of musical class and ambition, important contributions to the regional cultural scene and the relaxed and informal atmosphere of a voluntary orchestra. Considering the important role of the SBO for the regional cultural scene, it seems extremely surprising that the orchestra has not yet been awarded the Culture Prize.

"I have nothing more to add to these words of praise, except to say that the SBO is a more than worthy winner of the Culture Prize," explained the Lord Mayor. The Culture Committee agreed and decided to award the Culture Prize to the Symphonic Wind Orchestra Obere Nahe at its most recent meeting. This is associated with prize money of 2,500 euros, sponsored by the Kreissparkasse Birkenfeld. Mayor Frühauf thanked the KSK board, who were present at the New Year's reception, for this support.

Conductor Jochen Lorenz thanked the city and the culture committee for awarding him the culture prize. "We are delighted to receive this award and also to be able to provide the musical backdrop for the New Year's reception with our strong orchestra." However, anyone wishing to experience the orchestra in person again will have to be patient. Performances are still scheduled in Neuwied and other cities this year. "We won't be back in Idar-Oberstein with our New Year's concerts until the beginning of 2025.

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