Visitors get to know the RS plus

The event offered the opportunity to get to know the educational concepts of the school and to engage in a personal exchange with the dedicated teachers. It also became clear that the RS plus Idar-Oberstein focuses on the personal development of the pupils in addition to their academic education.

During the event, visitors were able to actively participate in a variety of projects. From scientific experiments to artistic performances, sporting activities, brain and language games to programming and operating remote-controlled vehicles, the program offered something for everyone. The tour of the school allowed the guests to take a closer look at the classrooms, the specialist rooms, the modern digital equipment, the student café and the common rooms.

The photo shows two pictures. In one, pupils are putting wooden parts together. In the other, a pupil is making a Santa Claus out of a branch.

The hands-on projects generated enthusiasm and active participation, giving visitors the opportunity to slip into the role of the pupils themselves and experience the dynamics of school life. Interested parties were able to gain an insight into the all-day school program, school social work, the mediator concept and the inclusive special school concept. The dedicated student council provided scouts for support and took care of food and drink.

  • Further impressions of the Open Day can be found on the school website at

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