Successful day of action against violence against women

In addition to dancing together as a symbol of solidarity and commitment, the program also included speeches, the Tanamasi drumming group and various activity stands on Schleiferplatz in the Idar district from 2 pm to 4 pm. A group of young women from the vocational school for business and technology provided refreshments with a waffle stand.

The organizers from the women's shelter, the women's emergency hotline and the youth club on the market drew a positive conclusion to this day. Around 50 people from different age groups and backgrounds took part despite the light drizzle and took a stand against violence against women and girls. "It was a very successful campaign that made an expressive statement against violence in a public space and is an example of how we can work together to bring about positive change," said the organizers. Due to the positive cooperation, they are now planning further projects on the topic of violence prevention.

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