Discover digital worlds

Last week, the "Lokal-Global" project was once again held at the youth club on the market square. The media education program offered by medien.rlp. was very well received by the young participants.

The aim of "Lokal Global" is to enable children and young people to use digital media creatively and to introduce them to new technologies in a fun way. medien.rlp is providing extensive equipment for the project: Five iMacs, loaded with various games and programs, as well as other innovative materials such as Makey Makey, Leap Motion and two VR goggles. The devices and applications offered participants exciting opportunities to immerse themselves in the digital world and try out new technologies. As part of the open meeting, they were completely free to decide which devices and programs they wanted to explore.

This low-threshold offer enabled children and young people to discover their interests independently without being bound by predetermined structures. The project was therefore well received by the participants. The VR goggles, which offered realistic virtual experiences, were particularly popular.

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