Series of workshops at JAM inspires young talents

The youth work team was supported by experts from the cultural initiative JAM ON! Mikk Schunke took on the creative part, while Steven Werthwein and Eduard Messmer from the music studio Unborn Sound Design shed light on the technical side.

The workshop began with a warm welcome, followed by a round of introductions in which the participants shared their musical preferences and experiences. After dividing into groups, the participants delved into the world of music theory and learned about the structure of a song. Ideas were collected in groups and it was decided how the songs should be structured. From songs about the absurdity of 5-minute crafts to emotional ballads about family break-ups and a rock song in the style of Pink Floyd, everything was included. There were no limits to creativity and in just four hours, the young musical talents managed to create a finished song.

On the second day, the small groups met in the music studio in Kronweiler to record and produce their songs. Despite initial nervousness, everyone quickly found their groove and recorded their songs in no time at all. Some impressed the experienced producers with their musical talent and efficiency. The producing process began and the recordings were refined and optimized together.

The third day was all about performance. After a theoretical introduction to important aspects such as self-confidence, stage presence and stage fright, the participants were allowed to perform their songs live on stage. Video recordings were made and analyzed in order to give the musicians feedback and improve their performance. They were also given an insight into the technology required for stage performances and were able to develop a feel for the technical processes in front of and behind the scenes. A special moment was when the young people were able to hear their own song from the recording session the day before produced for the first time.

The fourth and final day of the workshop was characterized by excitement and anticipation. The participants were ready to present their songs to an audience of family and friends. All three groups performed their pieces with heart and passion and received thunderous applause. It was a moving moment to see the young musicians bring their creative visions to life.

After the impressive performances, the duos had the opportunity to present the studio version of their songs once again and compare their progress. The evening ended in a relaxed atmosphere while the audience and musicians engaged in conversation and sang karaoke together, a wish of many workshop participants.

The workshop series "The Way of a Musician" not only offered young people the opportunity to improve their musical skills, but also to gain valuable experience in songwriting, recording and performing. Under the guidance of experienced musicians and sound technicians, the young people were able to develop their potential and go home with increased self-confidence.

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