Enzweiler daycare center is enchanted

Accompanied by his hand puppet Sam the bear, he showed the children the correct behavior in road traffic in a hands-on theater with magic and lots of fun. The children learned about the different types of traffic lights and reinforced the traffic rules at crosswalks and pedestrian lights with mnemonics. "The children were already well prepared for road traffic thanks to their regular school children's meeting," says Sabrina Becker, "but on this day with Robert, the children learned a lot of new things and were even allowed to conjure up a traffic light out of cloths from the magic bag themselves.

The hand puppet Sam showed the children the important rules for riding in a car. The children were taught in a playful way how to behave in the car, such as sitting in the back, buckling up and sitting in a child seat. The schoolchildren had a lot of fun and took away a great deal of input from the educational children's traffic stage. This program is funded by the Ministry of Education in Rhineland-Palatinate.

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