The photo shows a view of the meeting room. The rows of chairs for the council members are arranged in a semi-circle in ascending order. On the wall behind them is an installation showing the outline of the town of Idar-Oberstein with the coats of arms of the individual districts.

THEATERnachSOMMER comes in the fall

With "Schlagertherapie" and a physical theater, the municipal cultural department is presenting two productions as part of THEATERnachSOMMER on the second weekend in November. The festival of the city of Idar-Oberstein is supported by Kreissparkasse Birkenfeld, OIE AG, Effgen Schleiftechnik, the Bürkle Foundation and the state of Rhineland-Palatinate.

Therapeutic hits

On Saturday, November 11, 2023, at 8 pm, the production "Schlagertherapie" is on the program at the Stadttheater Idar-Oberstein. During this special evening, the audience can forget the worries of the world for a short while and surrender to their most wistful dreams. Afterwards, they will be able to face reality with renewed vigor.

Do you feel the same way? Do you turn up the radio, switch on the TV, open the newspaper or take a look at your cell phone and despair at the same moment as the end of the world is being conjured up on what feels like every channel? Do you sometimes long for a time when your mother used to hum along to the legendary pop classics while ironing? Let Thomas Gansch, not only a virtuoso trumpeter (including Mnozil Brass) but also a gifted entertainer, and his musical companions take you on an extraordinary journey back in time to the 1950s and 60s, when the unforgettable melodies of Peter Alexander, Udo Jürgens, Caterina Valente, Vico Torriani and Connie Francis blared from the radio. When the future was only good and the past was in black and white. When people dreamed of faraway places, of Fernando, Alfredo and Jose, awaited the arrival of the ship that was coming, or, after a few glasses of Greek wine, made two tracks in the snow and then picked up two little Italians from the train station? Then this special evening full of nostalgic bliss is just the ticket. Real pop therapy, so to speak!

Physical theater with Tobias Wegener

On Sunday, November 12, 2023, at 7.30 pm, Tobias Wegener presents "Leo - A Show Beyond Gravity" at the Idar-Oberstein Municipal Theater. What makes this show so unique is its simplicity: a man, a cap, a suitcase, a piece of chalk. What is sensational, however, is the how of this performance. Tobias Wegner tells the story of a character in a room where the laws of gravity do not apply, but where everyone believes they have dreamed of.

The photo shows the artist, who appears to be walking horizontally along a wall.
Thomas Wegener presents acrobatic physical theater.

Leo hovers on the wall, turns crazy pirouettes, throws a hat into the air, which plops back onto him as if his body were the center of gravity of the universe. A video projection makes these physical quantum leaps possible. This completely overrides natural perception. Is Leo really walking horizontally or is he only creating this impression by moving his legs and is he actually clinging to the wall? Enormous muscle control is required to create such perfect illusions. The wordless play with the laws of gravity is physical theater at the highest level. No actor without artistic training and many years of training could conjure this up on stage: Tobias Wegner is, of course, a graduate of the renowned École Supérieure des Arts du Cirque (É.S.A.C.) in Brussels.

  • Tickets are available at and at the associated advance booking offices. Further information can be found at

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