In addition to the theater subscription, the cultural office is also organizing three events over the next few weeks as part of THEATERnachSOMMER, two productions as part of "Idar-Oberstein tanzt!" and a concert in cooperation with the Golden Swing Big Band. The program promises the best entertainment, brilliant theater and top-class music.
No to money
The subscription program begins with the play "Nein zum Geld" by the Theater am Dom Köln and the Theater an der Kö. Flavia Coste's pitch-black comedy, which is even more of a stir in times of high inflation, is characterized by its wit and playfulness.
"No to money!" tells the story of Richard, who wants to commit a demonstrative heroic act and says "no to money" after winning the lottery for 162 million euros. His wife Claire, his mother Rose and Etienne, his best friend and business partner, don't find this funny at all.
When would you be ready to commit murder? Immediately if your husband, son or best friend wanted to shred, burn or swallow a winning lottery ticket with a three-digit million sum in front of your eyes? Or do you listen to his arguments, which mainly focus on the fact that - as your life has proven so far - money alone does not make you happy and too much of it often spoils your character? Do you try to convince him with your counter-arguments that money could also be very nice, that it could be used to generously support charities, that you would no longer have any worries or unpaid bills, or that you could have a bigger house, take nice trips and much more? And if he sticks to his plan, how far would you go?
Flavia Coste seems to have a sixth sense for theatrical escalations, because the play lasts less than ten minutes before the audience is already tangled in the net she has laid out in her captivating debut as a playwright and has no chance of freeing itself from it.
A chapter in itself
It continues on Saturday, October 28, 2023, at 8 pm with "The Kempowski Saga Part 3 - A Chapter in Itself" with the Altonaer Theater. In it, the Kempowski family attempts to restore bourgeois continuity after the catastrophe of the Second World War.

In the third part of the Kempowski saga, the family is confronted with the ruins left behind by the Second World War in 1945. They experience misery, hunger, looting and violence first-hand or at the homes of neighbors and friends. But you are not bombed out and still have some money. Between rubble and curfews, black markets and hoarding trains, the Kempowski family tries to re-establish bourgeois continuity after the catastrophe. Because of a few waybills with which he wanted to denounce the plundering of the "zone" by the Russians to the Americans, the first-person narrator Walter is threatened with the next blow of fate: imprisonment in Bautzen prison. And yet, despite all the suffering, Kempowski's laconic humor is evident in all the characters.
The rest of the theater program
- Saturday, November 4, 2023, 8 pm: Concert by the Golden Swing Big Band feat. Julia Oschewsky
Saturday, November 11, 2023, 8 pm, THEATERnachSOMMER: "Schlagertherapie", an extraordinary journey back in time to the 1950s and 60s - Sunday, November 12, 2023, 7.30 pm, THEATERnachSOMMER: "Leo - a show beyond gravity", physical theater with Tobias Wegener
- Friday, November 17, 2023, 8 p.m., THEATERnachSOMMER: "Romantic Cantilenas", concert by the Rheinische Philharmonie State Orchestra
- Saturday, November 25, 2023, 8 pm, Idar-Oberstein dances: "Dance Tasting", dance lovers meet wine connoisseurs
- Saturday, December 2, 2023, 8 pm, Idar-Oberstein dances: "The long run" by and with Sebastian Weber
- Thursday, December 14, 2023, 8 p.m., subscription event: "Motown goes Christmas" presents the unforgettable Christmas hits of the legendary label
- Saturday, February 3, 2024, 8 p.m., subscription event: "The Judge and his Executioner", play based on Friedrich Dürrenmatt
- Saturday, March 23, 2024, 8 p.m., subscription event: "Things I know for sure" with the Ernst Deutsch Theater Hamburg
- Saturday, April 20, 2024, 8 p.m., subscription event: "In female hands", concert by the Staatsorchester Rheinische Philharmonie
- More information can be found at Tickets are available in advance at and at the associated advance booking offices.