The photo shows a view of the meeting room. The rows of chairs for the council members are arranged in a semi-circle in ascending order. On the wall behind them is an installation showing the outline of the town of Idar-Oberstein with the coats of arms of the individual districts.

Fritz Börstler receives Iron Master Craftsman's Certificate

He was presented with the Iron Master Craftsman's Certificate by HwK President Kurt Krautscheid at the Koblenz Chamber of Skilled Crafts' annual celebration. At a reception in the town hall, Lord Mayor Frank Frühauf also congratulated the jubilarian on this outstanding award.

"This award is something very special and I would like to congratulate him warmly," emphasized Mayor Frühauf. The head of the city is himself a trained master car mechanic and knows the value of sound vocational training. He hopes that more young people will learn a trade again in the future, "because we urgently need these skilled workers."

When Fritz Börstler started his career, the shortage of skilled workers was not yet an issue. He started his own business in 1967 together with his wife Inge, a trained butcher's sales clerk, and took over the long-established Schuck butcher's shop on the Oberstein market square. The couple ran the business for decades and gradually expanded it. During his long career, Fritz Börstler trained numerous young people to become butchers or butcher's sales clerks, and his meat and sausage products won many awards. Since 2009, his son, master butcher Rüdiger Börstler, has continued the family tradition and the business, which is now located on the Struth. In the meantime, the old master butcher only visits the business from time to time, but is delighted to have been awarded the Iron Master Craftsman's Certificate.

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