The photo shows a view of the meeting room. The rows of chairs for the council members are arranged in a semi-circle in ascending order. On the wall behind them is an installation showing the outline of the town of Idar-Oberstein with the coats of arms of the individual districts.

Weierbach daycare center visits the police station

As part of road safety education, the rules of conduct as pedestrians in road traffic were discussed together and how the children should behave in emergency situations. It was particularly important for Pascal Stamm to explain to the children that they can always ask the police for help and that there is no reason to be afraid of them. He also gave them a very clear explanation of the police equipment and showed them some of its components. At the end, each child received a coloring picture and a photo with a police cap and vest.

The big highlight, however, was the ABC children's subsequent visit to the police station. During a tour, they were given an insight into the headquarters and an office, saw the lockers for the service weapons and the patrol cars in the courtyard. But of course the holding cells were particularly interesting. After the tour, the children were then shown how fingerprints are taken, from their own fingers of course.

The Weierbach daycare center would like to thank the Idar-Oberstein police department and especially Pascal Stamm for this great day.

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