The photo shows a view of the meeting room. The rows of chairs for the council members are arranged in a semi-circle in ascending order. On the wall behind them is an installation showing the outline of the town of Idar-Oberstein with the coats of arms of the individual districts.

The municipal forest daycare center starts soon

The city of Idar-Oberstein's new forest daycare center will open in February 2024. On Monday, January 15, 2024, at 5 p.m., there will be an information event for interested parents in the municipal meeting room. The concept and processes of the facility will be presented in more detail.

The construction trailer for the new forest daycare center in Idar-Oberstein arrived this week and was set up on the designated site on Rilchenberg by the municipal building depot. Now that preparatory measures - such as connection to the electricity and fresh water network and the installation of a septic tank - have been completed, the forest daycare center is set to officially open on February 1, 2024. In future, the construction trailer will be the focal point and place of residence for the daycare children during drop-off and pick-up times. It has been converted by a specialist company to meet the needs of a forest daycare center. As with other daycare centers, there are, for example, tables for crafting and painting, book corners, space for games, a plateau with a cozy corner and other familiar elements. There is also a small kitchenette and a toilet. But everything is multifunctional and, above all, "suitable for the forest". There will also be a small fenced-in outdoor area around the construction trailer. The site of the construction trailer can be easily reached by car and there is also a bus stop not too far away.

However, the forest children's actual place of learning and play will be the Dietzenwald forest. After drop-off time, the children and teachers meet for the morning circle and decide together which of the places in the forest they will go to. These places have been agreed with the responsible forest administration, not least for safety reasons. After arriving at the site, the children have breakfast together and then usually start their free play. Of course, there will also be activities and stimuli from the teachers, but free play is deliberately given a high priority. This allows the children to explore freely and creatively, follow their own interests, research and ultimately learn with and from each other in a sustainable and intensive way. At the end of the playtime, the children return to the construction trailer site, where they are either picked up immediately or after lunch.

There is no such thing as bad weather, there is only unsuitable clothing: According to this principle, the children will be out and about in the forest every day, in every season, whatever the weather. Because children love romping in the mud, jumping in puddles or playing with ice and snow. As they are constantly on the move, they have no problem with wet and cold - unlike adults. However, if there is an official storm warning, the forest will of course not be entered. In such cases, the Waldkita moves to alternative accommodation in the surrounding area.

  • The Waldkita has a group of 20 children, who are looked after by 4 teachers. Children between the ages of three and six are accepted. The childcare hours are Monday to Friday from 7.30 am to 2.30 pm. Registration for the information event on January 15, 2024 is now possible at

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