The photo shows a view of the meeting room. The rows of chairs for the council members are arranged in a semi-circle in ascending order. On the wall behind them is an installation showing the outline of the town of Idar-Oberstein with the coats of arms of the individual districts.

Warning about fake municipal utility employees

The people stated that they had to enter the property to check the water pipes due to water damage in the immediate vicinity. In one case, the people managed to gain access to the home of a 91-year-old senior citizen and look around the rooms.

Time and again, perpetrators try to gain access to residential buildings by pretending to be employees of works, telephone providers, etc. They try to gain access to residential buildings by pretending to be employees of works, telephone providers, etc. The perpetrators' aim is to create opportunities to commit crimes and to scout out residential properties.

Please note the following:

  • Do not be fooled by the fact that the perpetrators may appear to be wearing appropriate work clothing,
  • only grant access to the meter system to employees of the municipal utility company who are known to you personally or who can prove their identity by means of an official ID card,
  • ask for the reason for the measures to be carried out,
  • Stadtwerke company vehicles are marked with the Stadtwerke logo,
  • In case of doubt, please contact the municipal utilities on 06781/64-800 (24-hour on-call service).

The Idar-Oberstein police are asking residents to report suspicious persons and vehicles in this connection by calling 06781/561-0.

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