The photo shows a view of the meeting room. The rows of chairs for the council members are arranged in a semi-circle in ascending order. On the wall behind them is an installation showing the outline of the town of Idar-Oberstein with the coats of arms of the individual districts.

'Sportswoman' stays in the OB office

For years, several paintings and sculptures by artist Luisa Schwarz have been on permanent loan to the office of Lord Mayor Frank Frühauf. Now the painter and sculptor, who lives in Vollmersbach, has donated the painting 'Sportlerin' to the city.

"Shortly after I took office as mayor in 2008, I had the idea that regional artists could present some of their works in my office. Luise Schwarz was the first to make use of this opportunity," recalls Lord Mayor Frühauf. The works of art have been with him ever since and naturally moved into the new office with him after his election as Lord Mayor. He was particularly taken with the expressive 180 x 100 centimeter oil painting 'Sportlerin'. It shows an athlete lying exhausted on a staircase after a competition. "I would like to thank Luise Schwarz very much for donating the painting to the city and will be happy to keep it in my office permanently," emphasized Frühauf.

"I'm always happy when I see the painting in a photo that was taken in Mayor Frühauf's office," explained Luise Schwarz. In terms of size and colors, it fits very well in this room. That's why she decided to donate it to the city. "Unfortunately, I don't have that much time for painting and sculpting at the moment," regrets the artist, who runs a curtain service full-time and has been a member of the Obere Nahe Art Association for more than 20 years. But she plans to retire soon and then devote more time to her art again. Schwarz began her artistic training in 1995 with flower and landscape painting, then studied nude drawing, portraiture and caricature, took part in numerous workshops for free abstract painting and in 2003 attended an intensive painting course at the European Academy of Art in Trier. Her paintings are characterized by a very special mixture of artistic fantasy, photorealistic elements, reality and abstraction and captivate with their gracefulness and quiet melancholy.

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