The photo shows a view of the meeting room. The rows of chairs for the council members are arranged in a semi-circle in ascending order. On the wall behind them is an installation showing the outline of the town of Idar-Oberstein with the coats of arms of the individual districts.

Dangerous situations due to parent cabs

The same picture can be seen in front of many daycare centers and schools every morning: mothers and fathers who drive their child directly to the front of the facility cause dangerous traffic situations for other children. This is why so-called "parent cabs" are heavily criticized.

In the district of Algenrodt, there is also a high volume of traffic in the morning in the traffic-calmed area of Weihergasse. This is also caused by parent cabs, as both the local nursery and elementary school are located here. Their management had now asked the city council for help, because in addition to various parking violations and collisions during turning maneuvers, there are repeated speeding violations in the traffic-calmed area. The municipal public order office and civil engineering department therefore carried out a so-called traffic inspection there a few days ago.

On the day of the check, however, the volume of traffic was magically very manageable. Only one road user had to be warned due to his speeding. The reason for this sudden improvement in the situation was certainly the "parental warnings" on social media. However, these did have a positive effect: parents parked their vehicles in Achatstraße or Algenrodter Straße, the children were then taken to nursery and school on foot or even walked there alone.

If this kind of behavior, mutual consideration, were the order of the day, the problems described at the beginning would take care of themselves. Children would not be put at risk, there would be no more blocking of residents' driveways and staff parking spaces and all children could make their way to nursery or school safely.

The city council therefore urges people to show particular consideration for one another in such sensitive areas. Misconduct, especially speeding, is rarely committed by strangers here; it is mainly the traffic heading for the facilities that is responsible for these violations and endangers others. Parents are not doing their children any favors in terms of road safety education if they take them to daycare or school by car. This is because children learn more about road traffic by actively and independently participating in it. If, on the other hand, they only experience traffic from the back seat of a car, they will miss out on the relevant experiences.

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