The photo shows a view of the meeting room. The rows of chairs for the council members are arranged in a semi-circle in ascending order. On the wall behind them is an installation showing the outline of the town of Idar-Oberstein with the coats of arms of the individual districts.

"Sams returns on Saturday"

During the Easter vacations, the City Youth Welfare Office and the Kiwanis Club presented children's and youth theater with the actors of Theater 3D from Wiesbaden in the Göttenbach auditorium. The whole thing was combined with an improv theater workshop for children and young people, which was carried out by the theater educators of Theater 3D. The project was funded by the LAG Erbeskopf and the federal government's "Catching up after Corona" action program.

The play "Sams came back on Saturday" kicked off on Monday, April 3. Many children and their families let themselves be drawn into the crazy world of cheeky Sams. Because the sun was shining on Sunday, Mr. Mon came to visit on Monday, Tuesday was on duty and Wednesday was the middle of the week, because it was thundering on Thursday and Friday was off, that's why Sams came back on Saturday. Together with the quirky Mr. Taschenbier, the animal-loving Mr. Mohn and the meticulous landlady Mrs. Rotkohl, Sams goes on a funny journey through space and time. Fortunately, Sams hasn't changed at all, except that he now knows how to use complicated wishing machines and finally helps Mr. Taschenbier to make his own wishes come true.

On Tuesday, April 4, the fairy tale of the Mouse Queen and her son "Sun, Mouse & Cloud" was told to children aged 2 and over. She only wanted to marry her son to the strongest woman in the world. Together they explored what warm rays of sunshine feel like, what summer smells like, how individual stones in a wall hold together and are therefore strong together. The message was that ultimately it doesn't matter who is the strongest? Isn't everyone basically strong, one like this, the other like that? The children sang, laughed and experimented together. It was a play for all the senses, in which the children encountered a world full of warmth and friendship.

On Wednesday, April 5, Theater 3D presented a performance for children aged 8 and up. With the play "Johnny Hübner greift ein!", the 3D Theater ensemble addressed the question of how exciting and adventurous reading can be. Johnny Hübner has a mobile rescue squad for people who have literally fallen into a story. This time he had to rescue the girl Olga from the clutches of the one-eyed Captain Brownbeard, the terror of all seas. If the fearsome pirate hadn't just discovered two fat Hanseatic cogs, he would probably have thrown Olga overboard straight away. Together with Smutje Giovanni and the eternally hungry ship's rat Pelzi, Olga manages to survive until Johnny Hübner intervenes and pulls her out of the story.

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