The photo shows a view of the meeting room. The rows of chairs for the council members are arranged in a semi-circle in ascending order. On the wall behind them is an installation showing the outline of the town of Idar-Oberstein with the coats of arms of the individual districts.

Statutory order pursuant to Section 10 of the Rhineland-Palatinate Shop Opening Act

  • Legal regulation

pursuant to Section 10 of the Rhineland-Palatinate Shop Opening Act on the approval of a Sunday open for business in Idar-Oberstein/ Oberstein district in 2024 on the occasion of the gemstone cutters' and goldsmiths' market with street theater festival.

Based on § 10 of the Rhineland-Palatinate Shop Opening Act (LadöffnG) of November 21, 2006 (GVBl. p. 351), the following ordinance is issued for the city of Idar-Oberstein:

§ 1

The points of sale in the Oberstein district of Idar-Oberstein, namely in the following streets:

Hauptstraße from even house no. 336 and odd house no. 351 to Hauptstraße 492 (pedestrian zone),

Old alley,

On the Idar,

may be open on Sunday, 04.08.2024,
in the period from 13.00 to 18.00.

 § 2

The provisions of occupational health and safety law, in particular the provisions of the Working Hours Act of June 6, 1994 (BGBl. 1994 Part I, p. 1170, 1171), the Maternity Protection Act of May 23, 2017 (BGBl. 2017 Part I, p. 1228) and the Youth Employment Protection Act of April 12, 1976 (BGBl. 1976 Part I, p. 965) in the currently valid versions must be observed.


§ 3

Violations of § 1 of this ordinance are punishable as administrative offenses in accordance with § 15 LadöffnG. Violations of § 2 of this ordinance may be punished as an administrative offense under the Working Hours Act of June 6, 1994 (BGBl. 1994 Part I, p. 1170, 1171), the Maternity Protection Act of May 23, 2017 (BGBl. 2017 Part I, p. 1228) and the Youth Employment Protection Act of April 12, 1976 (BGBl. 1976

Part I, p. 965) in the versions currently in force.


§ 4

This ordinance shall enter into force on the day following its promulgation.


Idar-Oberstein, 22.07.2024

Idar-Oberstein city administration

on behalf of Friedrich Marx


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