Budget bylaws of the city of Idar-Oberstein for the year 2024 dated 14.05.2024

On 10.04.2024, the City Council adopted the following budget bylaws on the basis of Section 95 of the current version of the municipal code, which are hereby published following approval by the Supervisory and Service Directorate of Trier as the supervisory authority on 14.05.2024:

§ 1 Profit and loss and financial budget

The following are fixed

1. in the income budget



the total amount of income is

158,177,605 Euro


the total amount of expenses is

146,617,518 Euro


Net profit/loss for the year

11,560,087 Euro

2. in the financial budget



the balance of ordinary incoming and outgoing payments to

-50,256,113 Euro


the cash inflows from investing activities to

5,853,550 Euro


payments from investing activities to

19,087,300 Euro

the balance of cash inflows and outflows from investing activities to

-13,233,750 euros

the balance of cash inflows and outflows from financing activities to

-63,489,863 Euro

§ 2 Total amount of the planned loans

The total amount of the planned loans required to finance investments and investment promotion measures is set for

interest-free loans on

0 Euro

interest-bearing loans on

0 Euro

Together on

0 Euro

§ 3 Commitment appropriations

The total amount of authorizations to enter into commitments that will result in payments for investments and loans in future financial years is as follows

11,786,700 euros

The total commitment appropriations for which investment loans will probably have to be taken out in future financial years amount to

5,884,500 Euro

§ 4 Maximum amount of loans to secure liquidity

The maximum amount of loans to secure liquidity is set at

65,000,000 euros

§ Section 5 Loans and commitment authorizations for special assets

The loans and commitment appropriations for special assets with special accounts are set at

1. the total amount of borrowing for investments and investment promotion measures



Own municipal utility company

11,651,470 Euro


Building depot (special assets pursuant to Section 80 (1) No. 3 GemO) to

0 Euro


together on

11,651,470 Euro

2. maximum amount of loans to secure liquidity



Own municipal utility company

4,000,000 euros


Building depot (special assets pursuant to Section 80 (1) No. 3 GemO) to

0 Euro


together on

4,000,000 euros

3. commitment appropriations



Own municipal utility company

0 Euro






Commitment appropriations for which investment loans will probably have to be taken out in future financial years

0 Euro


Building depot (special assets pursuant to Section 80 (1) No. 3 GemO) to

0 Euro






Commitment appropriations for which investment loans will probably have to be taken out in future financial years

0 Euro


together on

0 Euro


Commitment appropriations for which investment loans will probably have to be taken out in future financial years

0 Euro

§ 6 Tax rates

The tax rates for municipal taxes are set as follows:

- Property tax A on

345 v. H.

- Property tax B on

535 v. H.

- Trade tax on

420 v. H.

The dog tax for dogs kept within the municipal area is as follows

- for the first dog

96,00 Euro

- for the second dog

96,00 Euro

- for each additional dog

96,00 Euro

- for the first dangerous dog

192,00 Euro

- for the second dangerous dog

192,00 Euro

- for each additional dangerous dog

192,00 Euro

§ 7 Fees and contributions

The rates of fees and contributions for permanent municipal facilities in accordance with the Municipal Tax Act (KAG) are set as follows:

The street cleaning fees per meter of road frontage for the cleaning classes are as follows

1 (once a week cleaning)

1,04 Euro

2 (cleaning twice a week)

2,08 Euro

3 (cleaning seven times a week)

36,50 Euro

§ 8 Value limit for investments

Investments above the value limit of EUR 0 must be shown individually in the investment overview.

§ Section 9 Equity

Equity as at December 31, 2021 amounted to EUR 59,305,389.03. The expected level of equity as at December 31, 2022 is EUR 119,457,267.03 (budgeted figures), as at December 31, 2023 EUR 119,551,747.03 (budgeted figures) and as at December 31, 2024 EUR 131,111,834.03.

§ 10 Partial retirement

The number of cases of partial retirement that can be approved in financial year 2024 is set as follows

a) General administration

Civil servants



TV employees


b) Own municipal utility company

Civil servants



TV employees


c) Special assets of the building depot

Civil servants



TV employees


§ 11 Benefit payments

For the authorization of payments to civil servants in accordance with the State Ordinance on the Implementation of Sections 27 and 42a of the Federal Salaries Act (Bundesbesoldungsgesetz):

1. for power levels

2,500 Euro

2. for performance bonuses and performance bonuses

5,000 euros

§12 Entry into force

These Articles of Association enter into force on January 01, 2024.

Municipality of Idar-Oberstein, 14.05.2024

Idar-Oberstein city administration

Early bird

Lord Mayor


Statutes that have been drawn up in violation of procedural and formal regulations of the municipal code shall be deemed to have been validly drawn up from the outset one year after publication if the legal violation has not been asserted in writing to the Idar-Oberstein municipal administration, Georg-Maus-Straße 1-2, 55743 Idar-Oberstein, within one year of the public publication of the statutes, stating the facts on which the violation is based (Section 24 (6) GemO).

The budget is available for public inspection from Tuesday, May 21, 2024 to Wednesday, May 29, 2025 during office hours in the town hall, Georg-Maus-Straße 1, room U 161 and will be available for download on the city administration's website at www.idar-oberstein.de.

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