Public announcement on the setting of street cleaning fees

At its meeting on 10.04.2024, the city council of the city of Idar-Oberstein set the following fees for street cleaning for the 2024 financial year, which were publicly announced on 16.05.2024 as part of the 2024 budget statutes:

Street cleaning per meter of road frontage

One-time cleaning per week 1.04 EUR/year

Cleaning twice a week 2.08 EUR/year

Cleaning seven times a week EUR 36.50/year

This means that there has been no change compared to the 2023 calendar year, so that no tax assessment notices will be issued for the 2024 calendar year for street cleaning fees.

For all those properties whose assessment basis has not changed since the last written assessment notice was issued, the street cleaning charges for the calendar year 2024 are therefore set by this public notice in accordance with Section 4 (3) of the current version of the bylaws on the levying of charges for public street cleaning in the amount last assessed for the calendar year 2023.

The 2024 street cleaning fees must continue to be paid to the Idar-Oberstein city treasury without special request on the due dates and with the amounts resulting from the last written assessment of the street cleaning fees.

From the date of the public announcement of this tax assessment, the same legal effects shall apply to the taxpayers as if they had received a written tax assessment notice on that date.

Legal remedies:

An objection to this tax assessment may be lodged with the Idar-Oberstein municipal administration, Georg-Maus-Straße 1, 55743 Idar-Oberstein, within one month of notification.

Even if an objection is lodged, the requested amounts must be paid on time.

Pursuant to Section 80 (2) sentence 1 VwGO, the objection has no suspensive effect in the case of requests for, among other things, levies; in particular, the payment obligation is not canceled.

Idar-Oberstein, 24.07.24

Idar-Oberstein city administration

City treasury -

For the record Marx, Mayor

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