Public announcement

Urban land-use planning of the town of Idar-Oberstein, Oberstein district;

Development plan O-45 "In der Niederau";

Public participation in accordance with Section 3 (2) of the German Building Code (BauGB) - Draft open to the public

At its public meeting on February 26, 2025, the city council of Idar-Oberstein decided to initiate the draft public consultation on the development plan O-45 "In der Niederau" in the Oberstein district.

The development plan is intended to create the legal planning requirements for the construction of the new Struth Bridge. To this end, it is necessary to replan a section of the development plan O-37 "Wackenmühle" from 1995. In addition, the adjoining area to the north-west, for which there is no development plan, is to be overplanned, thus creating the legal planning basis for the reorganization in order to ensure sustainable, orderly urban development for the area.

The plan area is located to the west of the town center of Oberstein and is bounded as follows:

  • To the north by the wooded southern slopes of the Heinzenberg and the private properties of "Kirchhofshübel No. 20"
  • To the south by the B41 federal highway and the green spaces as well as the banks of the Nahe river
  • To the west through Seitzenbachstraße
  • To the east by the steep slopes of the nature reserve "Gefallener Felsen" and to the southeast by the development of the street "An der Wackenmühle"

The scope of application covers an area of approx. 6.8 ha and can be seen on the following overview map.

In accordance with Section 2 (4) and Section 2a BauGB, an environmental assessment had to be carried out in which the likely significant environmental impacts were determined and described and evaluated in an environmental report. The environmental report and the environmentally relevant information and comments are also published. The following environmental information is available:

  • Environmental report with statements on the environmentally relevant protected assets in accordance with Section 1 (6) No. 7a-j BauGB, including the protected assets of land, soil and geology, water, climate and air, animals and plants, biodiversity, landscape, recreation, cultural heritage and other material assets, humans and interactions.
  • Nature conservation information on the species conservation potential analysis (ASP); here: Wall lizard (Podarcis muralis) / sand lizard Lacerta agilis), dice snake (Natrix tessellata), bats (Microchiroptera) and European bird species according to Art. 1 of the Birds Directive
  • Nature conservation information on the special species conservation assessment (saP II); here: Dice snake (Natrix tessellata), bats (Microchiroptera) and European bird species according to Art. 1 of the Birds Directive
  • Acoustic expertise with regard to traffic and plant noise in the planning area, increase in traffic noise and associated noise protection concept

No environment-related comments were received as part of the participations in accordance with Sections 3 (1) and 4 (2).

In accordance with Section 3 (2), the draft of the development plan, consisting of the plan drawing, text section with local building regulations, explanatory statement and environmental report, as well as the documents relating to the species protection assessments and the acoustic report, are available for inspection during the following period

from 07.03.2025 up to and including 07.04.2025

on the website of the city of Idar-Oberstein at

for inspection and download. The content of the announcement is also posted on the Internet.

The above-mentioned documents can also be inspected during the above-mentioned period at the Idar-Oberstein city administration, Stadtbauamt, Georg-Maus-Str. 1, 55743 Idar-Oberstein, room I.130, during general office hours (Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 12:00 and Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 14:00 to 16:00).

Anyone can submit comments during the publication period. In accordance with Section 3 (2) sentence 4 no. 2 BauGB, comments should be submitted electronically where possible; this can be done by e-mail to the e-mail address: It is also possible to submit comments in writing or for the record. The comments will be reviewed by the City Council. The result of the review will be communicated. In accordance with Sections 3 (2) and 4a (5) BauGB, comments that are not submitted on time may be disregarded when a decision is made on the development plan. Furthermore, it is pointed out that an application pursuant to Section 47 of the Administrative Court Code is inadmissible if it asserts objections that were not asserted by the applicant during the public inspection or were asserted late but could have been asserted.

Personal data is processed on the basis of Art. 6 (1) (e) of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in conjunction with Art. § Section 3 BauGB and the Rhineland-Palatinate State Data Protection Act. Further information on data protection in the context of urban land use planning can be found on the website

Idar-Oberstein, 27.02.2024

Idar-Oberstein city administration




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