Public invitation to tender according to VOB/A

The city of Idar-Oberstein hereby publically invites tenders for the following construction measures:

Extension of Tiefensteiner Straße (B 422)

  1. Road construction works (Publication ID: CXP4YRE5YR6)
  2. Sewerage works (Publication ID: CXP4YRE5YRK)
  3. Water supply works (Publication ID: CXP4YRE5Y41)

The above-mentioned trades will be evaluated together and awarded to only one bidder.

The long text and the offer documents can be downloaded immediately at, subject to the terms of use stated there and entry of the above-mentioned announcement ID.

Idar-Oberstein, 09.11.2024

Idar-Oberstein city administration

Early bird

Lord Mayor

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