Play and learning room

Play and learning room

School Street 7

55743 Idar-Oberstein

+49 6781 64-5650

  • Management

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  • Childcare hours on school days

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    Monday12 12:30 to 16:30

    Tuesday12 12:30 to 16:30

    Wednesday12 12:30 to 16:30

    Thursday12 12:30 to 16:30

    Friday12 12:30 to 16:30

    During the school vacations, the childcare times depend on the vacation program.

  • Closing times

    • Parents are informed of the closing times at the beginning of each year.
    • The play and learning room is closed for three weeks during the summer vacation, between Christmas and New Year, as well as on the school vacations.
    • Additional closing days due to company outings or staff meetings may occur and will be announced in good time.
  • Number of seats

    • 20 places for school children
  • Team

    The team consists of the manager Petra Forster, Britta Lang and a federal volunteer who changes every year.

  • Educational mission

    The focus of our educational work is on living and learning in the group, whereby we respond to each child individually.

    The children:

    • should feel comfortable with us and enjoy coming,
    • are accepted in their individuality,
    • are given the opportunity for self-development,
    • are equal, regardless of their gender, nationality or religion,
    • help shape the community creatively and responsibly through their own actions,
    • experience themselves in contact with others and integrate themselves into the group,
    • develop skills and abilities,
    • experience freedom and boundaries,
    • learn norms and values and practise social skills.

    The educators:

    • pay attention to the children's wishes and needs and respond to them according to the situation and requirements,
    • enable social learning in manageable contexts,
    • are available to the children as play and conversation partners,
    • are fixed reference persons and contact persons,
    • use time and space to respond to children's individual needs,
    • provide support in the event of problems and conflicts,
    • give parents help and support,
    • promote personal responsibility, independence and self-help,
    • create a familiar and accepting environment,
    • allow for differences,- respect the rights of children,
    • are aware of their role model function,- regularly undergo further training,
    • document events in the context of the child's care

    Sufficient drinks such as tea, sparkling water, milk or juice spritzer and a snack such as sandwiches, muesli and fruit are available for the children at all times.
    Drinks and snacks are free of charge!
    We participate in the European school fruit and school milk program.

    Catchment area
    The play and learning room is mainly visited by children from the Wasenstraße neighborhood and the Oberstein district.


    • Leisure education area
      Depending on the arrangement, the children either come to the facility directly after school or go home first and come to us from there. Here they decide whether they want to start their homework straight away or have a snack beforehand. After homework, they have plenty of opportunity to work independently. They can move freely within the play and learning room according to agreed rules and choose their own place, time, play materials and play partners.
      The children decide for themselves whether they would like to take part in an activity we offer, such as arts and crafts or cooking.
      Depending on the weather and their interests, the children use the outdoor area.
      During the school vacations, we offer special vacation activities. These include excursions, hikes, cooking, handicrafts, tournaments, barbecues and more. We take the children's suggestions into account when planning. The childcare times may change on these days.
    • Homework supervision
      Children can do their homework with us by arrangement with their parents. We offer intensive homework supervision for this purpose.
      Tutoring for school problems cannot take place within this framework.
      Homework cannot always be completed in full in the time available. It is very important that parents also check their children's homework and are informed about their school performance.
      In order to avoid school problems or to recognize them at an early stage, it is necessary to maintain regular contact with the school. This applies equally to the parents and the teachers at the facility.
      In the event of staff shortages or special leisure activities, such as a visit to a children's theater, homework supervision may be shortened or canceled altogether.
    • Family work
      In order to achieve good cooperation for the benefit of the child, it is important to create an open and trusting atmosphere between parents or guardians and teachers.
      A regular exchange about incidents, abnormalities, habits and needs of the children is very important to us. As is adherence to agreements. We achieve this mainly through telephone calls and "door-to-door conversations". In addition, we are always available to parents for discussions.
      We offer parents help with problems, e.g. through counseling sessions, home visits, promoting contact between parents or by referring them to other institutions. We can also accompany parents to appointments on request.
    • Cooperation with other institutions
      Cooperation with other institutions includes advice, mediation, support, guidance, training and all conceivable forms and content of professional exchange.
      Specifically, we work together with:
      • the daycare centers of the city of Idar-Oberstein
      • the General Social Service of the Youth Welfare Office
      • Teachers of our children
      • Clubs
      • Educational counseling center
      • Caritas
      • Socio-educational family support
      • City youth care
      • other play and learning centers in Rhineland-Palatinate
      • Kita social work - family counseling

    Due to the close proximity to the day group, which is housed in the same building, cooperation takes place in various areas:

    • Shared use of toilets and outdoor area
    • Mutual visit of the children
    • Exchange of information at various levels
    • Joint team meetings
    • Joint activities and excursions

    Need for a place in the play and learning room
    After making an appointment by telephone, an admission interview takes place, during which the play and learning room and the educational work are introduced and all formalities are completed. If all places are filled, the child is placed on a waiting list and parents are notified when a place becomes available.

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