Weierbach daycare center

Weierbach daycare center

Am Hessenstein 13a

55743 Idar-Oberstein

+49 6781 64-5590

+49 6781 64-9530

  • Management

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  • Opening hours

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    Monday07 From 07:00 to 17:00

    Tuesday07 From 07:00 to 17:00

    Wednesday07 From 07:00 to 17:00

    Thursday07 From 07:00 to 17:00

    Friday07 From 07:00 to 17:00

  • Closing times

    • The closing times are communicated to parents at the beginning/end of each year.
    • The Nahbollenbach daycare center is closed for three weeks during the summer vacations, between Christmas and New Year, and on bridge days.
    • Additional closing days due to company outings or staff meetings may occur and will be announced in good time.
  • Number of seats

    • 62 part-time places (7 a.m. to 2 p.m.) from 2 years of age,
    • 80 full-day places (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.) from 2 years of age,
    • 4 part-time places for one-year-olds
    • 4 full-day places for one-year-olds
  • Team

    Our educational team is made up of full-time and part-time staff. Interns and dual trainees join the team at irregular intervals.

  • Pedagogical concept (excerpts)

    The complete version of the concept is available at the daycare center or can be viewed there. Only a few parts are listed here to provide a brief insight.

    Concept of open work
    In the individual functional rooms with free access to a wide range of learning content, the children can pursue their own or shared interests under pedagogical supervision. They can gather and deepen their experiences and thus achieve learning success.
    The children meet several times a week at fixed group times in their mixed-age home groups. The children who are about to start school are grouped together in an age-homogeneous group - the ABC-KIDS.
    A very spacious outdoor area offers the children a variety of play and exercise opportunities.
    Our KiTa should be a place where the children feel at ease. We wish them many happy moments and a time that they will remember with pleasure.

    Food at the KiTa
    Children should grow up healthy - good, high-quality food is an important prerequisite for this. Healthy food promotes a satisfying quality of life. Eating habits are significantly shaped in the first years of life. At our daycare center, we want to enable children to get to know many different foods and share the joy of eating with their peers. In the community, children are often much more open and curious about unknown things than at home.
    We try to convey taste experiences through a variety of food offerings.
    It is particularly important to us that food is conveyed without coercion and with pleasure. Eating together should be a fun experience.
    Breakfast: We offer all children a varied, healthy breakfast in the form of a buffet.
    Lunch: At lunchtime, the children receive an age-appropriate meal delivered by a catering service from the neighboring town. Alternatively, it is possible to bring a lunch box from home as a snack.
    In the afternoon , the children have a small snack. Please give your child a snack. At irregular intervals, we prepare different types of food during activities.

    Our premises
    The following premises are available for 3 to 6-year-olds:
    Number workshop (with quiet area)/building room/research room/reading room/large workshop/"little castle" (role-play room)/playroom/movement construction site/canteen/washroom with toilets, changing area and shower/a long corridor area/reception area
    The following premises are available for 1 to 3-year-olds:
    Hallway with reception area/kitchen/washroom with toilets, changing area and shower/large sleeping area/small sleeping area/playroom/building room/studio/movement construction site
    The daycare center has a spacious outdoor play area. We can also use the multi-purpose hall in the immediate vicinity for activities and events.

    Our image of the child and the attitude of the educational professional
    We help children and adults to achieve the necessary safety. They are an important part of learning and living together in the KiTa. We give the children the opportunity to participate and shape the various areas. We do not see the "open work" in our facility as a living space of unlimited freedom.
    We, as educational professionals, are reliable, emotionally devoted caregivers for the children. Each child is accepted as an independent, special little personality with its own needs. We take the children's concerns seriously, listen to them and look for solutions together. We see it as our task to encourage the children to act independently. At the same time, however, we are also the ones who help them to find their way around the rules and structures in the daycare center.
    We want to be a "strong rope" for the children to hold on to securely during their time at the daycare center.

    Our educational work
    Our daycare center is a place where every child is lovingly accepted and feels secure. We look after children of different ages and offer them a varied daily routine. Various functional rooms allow the children to play and learn in a variety of ways. Small group activities, which are geared towards the children's current topics and needs, allow for targeted learning and support measures.
    We attach great importance to a varied breakfast buffet, which is provided in the respective areas. By putting together their own breakfast, we encourage the children to become independent.
    For the children who spend the whole day at the KiTa, an appropriate phase for resting and sleeping is provided at lunchtime...
    We consciously support the transition from KiTa to school and working together with this in the last KiTa year...
    We pay particular attention to the care of children under 3 years of age. The specific needs of this age group, such as bonding, perception, movement, relationship building and individual rest periods are taken into account.

    Settling in
    The child has a lot to do during the settling-in period. It is therefore extremely important that parents and teachers allow the child sufficient time to settle in. The child has to get used to a new environment, to other children his age and to new, unfamiliar adults and establish a relationship with them, communicate and interact with them. As a new member of a social community, the child is no longer the center of attention and the "determinant". They have to learn to express their needs because their every wish is no longer read from their eyes. There is a new daily routine, new rules. There will be conflicts to deal with. Once they have gained confidence in all these things, they will have arrived, will be able to move safely and confidently through the daily routine and can develop with our support. They can choose and shape their learning experiences.
    In our facility, the settling-in period takes place in so-called "PEERGROUPS". A peer or peer group is a group of children who are approximately the same age and at a similar stage of development. The children in a peer group are admitted to the KiTa at the same time...

    Participation and the right to complain
    Children in our daycare center are involved in everyday decisions that affect them or life in the group, depending on their level of development. They are allowed to complain about injustices or undesirable rules and actions and are listened to and encouraged to express themselves. In order to involve children in decisions and take their opinions into account, it is particularly important to maintain good communication with them. Being in an open, honest dialog with children actually always means that we know their ideas, thoughts and feelings and take them seriously. Involving children at an early stage helps them to become aware of their needs in the first place. They learn the ability to put themselves in other people's shoes and can develop confidence in themselves. They experience that they can seek help and support from others and then find solutions to problems together. The children's complaints always give us an indication of their wishes and opinions, which we take very seriously. In this way, the children experience that they are not helpless, but self-effective. It is not a question of stopping a situation if a child dislikes it. Rather, it is about giving children the opportunity to discuss and debate the situation.
    Participation does not mean that children have to decide everything themselves or take responsibility for their own decisions. We are always there to support them with understanding and, despite their right to co-decide, we assume a duty of supervision, care and concern for the protection of their child...

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