Göttschied daycare center

Göttschied daycare center

Obersteiner Street 2a

55743 Idar-Oberstein

+49 6781 64-5530

+49 6781 64-9532

  • Management

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  • Opening hours

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    Monday07 From 07:00 to 17:00

    Tuesday07 From 07:00 to 17:00

    Wednesday07 From 07:00 to 17:00

    Thursday07 From 07:00 to 17:00

    Friday07 From 07:00 to 17:00

  • Closing times

    • The closing times are communicated to parents at the beginning/end of each year.
    • The Göttschied daycare center is closed for three weeks during the summer vacations, between Christmas and New Year and on bridging days.
    • Additional closing days due to company outings or staff meetings may occur and will be announced in good time.
  • Number of seats

    • 64 part-time places (7 a.m. to 2 p.m.) from 2 years of age,
    • 48 full-day places (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.) from 2 years of age,
    • 4 full-day places for one-year-olds
    • 6 part-time places
  • Team

    Several full-time (39 hours) and part-time educators with varying weekly hours are there for the children and their families with their pedagogical knowledge and wide-ranging experience.

  • Pedagogical concept (excerpts)

    The complete version of the concept is available at the daycare center or can be viewed there. Only a few parts are listed here to provide a brief insight.

    Educational areas
    "Learning is possible in very different areas and is not fundamentally limited to a few fields of learning. Learning takes place essentially in the learning situations and learning opportunities created by educators, in which the children learn with and from each other" (excerpt from: "Educational recommendations for daycare centers in Rhineland-Palatinate")

    The children in the KiTa area have various "functional rooms" at their disposal:

    • In the playroom , puzzles, board games and card games can be played alone or in groups as role-playing games. The room is also the contact point for the children settling in and their parents/guardians. It also serves as a quiet room at lunchtime.
    • In the movement construction site , movement is possible in all variations: climbing, running, romping, swinging, balancing ...
    • In the research room , people experiment, research, observe, ...
    • The library is for reading, looking at books, these can be borrowed, children can rest there and withdraw.
    • Children can construct and experiment with different materials such as Lego, Duplo, building blocks, natural materials etc. in the construction room .
    • The Krümelecke is where the breakfast buffet and lunch take place, and is also used for chopping, cooking, baking and joint preparation. The crumbs corner is used by both the daycare center and the crèche, making it an important meeting place for the children and teachers.
    • Our outdoor area with its sandy area, meadow, climbing frame, slide, nest swing and trees is one of the most important areas for the children. We use our outdoor area in all weathers, as long as it is compatible with our planning and educational activities. Rubber boots, muddy trousers and clothing suitable for the playground are therefore essential.

    In the first few months of its life, a child builds up an attachment relationship with its parents. In the further course of the child's development, these attachment figures represent a secure base, a place of refuge to which the child returns when it seeks protection, comfort or attention. Separation from the parents is therefore an important phase.
    We do this by acclimatizing the children based on the "Berlin Model". At the very beginning, there is a detailed intake interview with the parents or guardians. All children are then accompanied by a parent (or another attachment figure) at the beginning of their visit to our facility during the settling-in period. The child's attachment figure is present and assists the child with security and support. The accompanied settling-in period lasts at least two weeks. The settling-in period is completed when the child has established a stable bond with the caregiver and can be comforted by her if necessary. The child's daily supervised presence at the facility should last between one and two hours during the settling-in period. Shorter or longer periods may be appropriate depending on the child's apparent stress level. Building a relationship with the childminder also requires time and energy from the childminder. The common goal is for the child and parents to first get to know the daycare center and the caregiver and for a relationship of trust to develop. This must be done carefully and gradually and therefore requires the necessary individual time. Ü2 children are acclimatized in a "nest group" and have a fixed point of contact here, to which they can always return when they begin to explore the KiTa world. This serves as a kind of "safe haven". Until their transition, they are assigned a reference teacher who ensures that the child settles in and accompanies them throughout their time in the nest group.

    Transition from the U2 area to the Ü2 area
    A joint discussion with parents, the U2 caregiver and the future Ü2 caregiver at the daycare center marks the beginning of the transition. The transition is a smooth one. Mutual visits and activities take place beforehand. Regular meetings also take place in the shared crumb corner.
    The transition usually takes place around the child's 2nd birthday. A suitcase is packed, the move takes place, the welcoming committee is ready and the child is greeted and welcomed in a welcome circle.

    It involves learning to take an active part in decisions that affect our shared life together and the day-to-day running of the kindergarten. The child does this, for example, by deciding which guests are allowed to celebrate their birthday with them, by having a say in decisions relating to everyday kindergarten life, as well as in the design of educational activities, excursions, parties and celebrations, etc. In order to be able to implement these goals with the children, we have chosen the open form of educational work. In addition, each child can decide for themselves in which room, with which children and with which play material they would like to play. This allows the child to establish contact with other children and several caregivers.
    For our work with the children, this means giving them space for movement, independent activity and the use of all their senses. Every child needs time to try out their movements and activities, to feel more and more confident and to dare to try something new on their own.

    Cooperation with families
    Children live in different types of life and families. This is reflected in the KiTa. This results in different needs, expectations and requirements. It is therefore part of our task to strengthen and support families in their responsibility for the upbringing of their children. Specifically, this is done through

    • Admission interviews during the familiarization phase
    • Door-to-door talks during drop-off and pick-up times
    • Development meetings with parents to share experiences and report on the "current state of development".
    • Assistance and participation of parents in the preparation and organization of festivities (e.g. summer party, etc.)
    • Support association and parents' committee are involved in festivals and activities
    • Parents' committee (elected representatives from the parent body, necessary for cooperation and support between families, the provider and the team)
    • Complaints management

    Transition from daycare to school
    The children are prepared for school throughout. The "open KiTa" is the "pre-school" of living together, where value is placed on a comprehensive education. Our aim is for the children to develop into strong and self-confident personalities with great independence and social skills through a basic education. Fundamental teaching of factual and world knowledge is made possible through a diverse and challenging environment for the self-organization of their learning processes and through activities, projects, etc. The following are also important

    • Early contact with the elementary school where the future schoolchildren will attend
    • Visiting and introductory morning at the respective elementary school and discussions with the teachers
    • Getting to know each other's unfamiliar surroundings, reducing fear of contact
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